Post #8 – Final Pictures!
Post #7
1914 HD Project is now 589 days old or 19.5 months since started Feb 10th 2012 (latest pictures taken)I have been working on this 1914 Harley Davidson for longer than any project/Bike I have ever done…well here we go ..just finished up the oil lines and fuel lines…made a bracket for the exhaust cut out valve….WHAT! My VMX friends are all just waiting to see it finished…Those white Tires just set it off…Paint is Great…Jerry Parkhurst..thanks, Davenport Iowa trip was at perfect time for Daveme to see 3 other 1914 bikes and 1 was Very original..a great example to use as a standard to work towards…I just like looking at it..
This is the before picture located in Georgetown, Texas on December 23, 2011. A 1926 JD frame with a very rare 1914 Harley Davidson 10E 61ci. motor in it.
The bikes arrive in Mesa, Arizona on February 4th, 2012. This bike was also found at the same time. 1926 Harley Davidson Model B single “peashooter.”
The next picture shows the cylinders which needed over a $1000.00 in repairs, plus nickel plating, bore jobs and valve jobs too!
Day 66 – I figured out the Bell Crank system… linkage rods for the electrics and compression release valve.
Post #6
WOW,19 months and a few days and finally just starting to reassemble the project 1914 Harley 10E single speed twin 1000cc…just returned from the Davenport Iowa Antique swap meet (WOW) vintage flat track races with Boardtracker’s racing the 1/2 mile and also made a trip to the” National Motorcycle Museum” in Anamosa Iowa…a must see if you are in the area…(WOW) then a cool down party saturday eve that Dave Despain spoke at…he’s so funny! Met Dale from the Wheels though Time Motorcycle museum in North Carolina,and Mike from the Picker’s show. Met Tom from Oregon’s Antique Motorcycle Works..and Made new Friends wit Sam and Tommy,Special Thanks to my road racer Pal that made it so easy for me to go with him.Dennis. Thanks!
All that was just at the rite time as I am putting it back together..I saw 3 bikes of my model at Davenport,,but one just in from Baltimore was all original ! (WOW) Just what I needed to see….took pictures of it to help me get it rite.. also got my white Coker Replica tires..and oem HD grips
As you can see many items are ready to install but still a few more pieces to Nickel platers and the body work ,fender oil tank,and gas tanks are coming tomorrow……so off we go..I have learned so much about American History building this bike and also made many new friends..WOW!..
Post #5
Post #4
Couldn’t wait till I had it painted to see what it might look like, so I taped out the paint scheme to see for my self… I like it! Seven months and four days old now.
Post #3
Still six months in now on this project; the fenders are now mounted with their supports, rear stand is on, and clutch handle with all linkage rods are connected and working. Waiting for seat bar to install, seat and cylinder are on there way back from Nickel plating, bore jobs and valve cutting. Almost done with mach up stage. Wow this is one learning experience for me. The best ever! Got my correct paint and correct decals too!. Maybe by Xmas! 2013 New Years day ride! She will be 99 years old then, and I will be 59 soon. Oh well, keeps me young!
Post #2
Well here we are 6 months into the Harley project. I thought I was getting close, but boy was I going to learn about my bike. This machine is like no other I have ever worked on or even seen in person. Building it from photo’s is all that I have had to go on. I never heard of a Bell Crank before this bike… what is a step start? Anyway, now the brake linkages and clutch levers and clevis’s and rods… Now the running boards are installed, and chain guards and rear stand. Fenders are almost done waiting for rear stays. Keep you posted.
Post #1

This 1914 Harley Davidson 10E 61ci Twin was found over Christmas vacation to Georgetown, Texas in 2011. Found in a side yard filled with tractors on Pine Street Downtown. The man I bought the bike from had it in his tractor grave yard for more than 10 years right where she was sitting when I came across her. He found it fifty years ago when he went out to a remote farm to repair an old Fordson Tractor. Forty-two years later, the old farmers wife called him to tell him he had passed away, so if he wanted the bikes and tractor they could now be bought! 50 years ago!! She kept his phone number! Like many old motorcycles of the time, after it wasn’t a bike anymore it became a water pump or a saw for the farm. This bike was a combo 1926 JD Roller, with a 1917 gear box, and a 1914 61ci twin motor with a solid car front wheel on it when I found it. After a few hours on the computer, I realized that pretty much all I had was the frame and a bunch of used 1926 JD parts. I did also buy a 1926 single Model B that was sitting next to it. It was at the same farm 50 years ago, and took until February 4th, 2012 before I could get the two rust buckets home to Arizona. In the mean time I was searching the internet for info and parts for more than a month every day, all day. Ask my wife… maybe you shouldn’t mention it to her.I soon found out exactly what I had, and where to go for some old-school help! Competition Distribution in Sturgis, South Dakota and Antique Motorcycle Works in Oregon were the first to help me, so I spent my money with them when I could. You can ask them about that one for sure. Anyway, after many talks and leads I have now located many one guy shops that make perfect reproduction parts. The big problem is that no one does it all, so the hunt goes on and on and on. I have now located more than 90% of all the parts I have been looking for, and learned so much about bike history, metal history and manufacturing history I cannot even begin to tell you.I am hoping to have the 10E completed by July 4th, 2014 to ride in the parade down Main Street in Georgetown, Texas with the 90 year-old man that I found the bike from. Taking it back to where it came from one more time. We will see. The bike is coming together faster than anyone expected, but some one called it a worthless piece of junk, and some one else said I couldn’t do it because it was too difficult. Now serving fresh Crow boys… only 83 days since I started on this rust bucket. Never Say Never!